
Jesse Craignou, Keeping Me Company Narrated by Helen Lloyd

Keeping Me Company
By Jesse Craignou
Narrated By Helen Lloyd
Length: 2 hrs and 17 mins

Narrator Reviews, photo of Jesse Craignou
Jesse Craignou Author

Narrator Reviews Keeping Me Company by Jesse Craignou
Keeping Me Company by Jesse Craignou

Narrator Reviews Helen Lloyd Narrating Keeping Me Company by Jesse Craignou
Narrator Helen Lloyd

Helen Lloyd is a British Voice Artist, with a rich, and very cultured voice, her narration of Jesse Craignou's Keeping Me Company is lovely and she makes the words flow like magic. Clear, concise, everything is well timed making each word extremely momentous. She has sometimes a rather soft  breathy exhalation that is most appealing. Her characterizations are exceptional whether doing an older person, or a more middle age upper class person. She gives lots of emphasis on adjectives, giving depth and dramatic portrayals. Helen Lloyd is definitely is a rare talent that promises perfection to whatever she performs.

Jesse Craignou gives women credit for their many contributions to life and society as a whole. He expresses his appreciation of the fairer sex in these shorts, extolling some of the emotional content and complexity of women. If you enjoy a type of circular poetry you will enjoy Keeping Me Company, and in Mr. Craignou's own words about this lovely work,

"Women have always played a key role in my life and I more than long wanted to pay them a fair tribute… and what better could I do than tell their story ? Women bring us into this world and often see us go before them…They can be together and are often alone… whether by choice chance or design… how they fend for their living through love family and business… is often tribute to the reason of their passion…As soon as I put pen to paper the first word is followed by another and another and another and words tag on together… and the words become my words for my greatest pleasure…
Words and I are words of a feather…I look at my writing in more of an oral approach… spoken word’s the written word here… our lips are not sealed…My writing evolves around not only words and ideas but also reason rhymes… sounds like poetry… imagine you’re listening… and let yourself be carried away
My words depict the surreal side of everyday life… with all its eerie magic… riding the crest of the' jagged edge between fact and fiction…The music of my words is my melody…My writing is concentric spirals of introspective narrative..." Dare I say ohh la, la, to such lovely words for womanhood. Those French men do know the way to a woman's heart.

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